Saturday, June 4, 2016

Mississippi Pot Roast

I've seen several recipes for a roast like this before and it always looked good. Lately I've been on a crock pot kick so when I saw another recipe for this roast, I had to try it. I've been trying to stay away from pre-mixed packets so when this recipe said I could make my own dressing instead of using the gravy packet, I was even more interested. And man this roast soooooo good! I could not stop eating it! I made another roast shortly after this one and it really did not even come close to the flavor. This roast is packed in so much flavor it's unbelievable! Go make this roast right now!!!!!

Find the recipe here

Floured Roast

Roast is browned...

Ready to be cooked...


Dressing added...

Ready to Eat...


Tortellini Soup

This soup was my own creation. My mom actually gave me the idea. I had a blood clot this past fall and she came into town to stay with me until I was able to get back on my feet again. She had mentioned that she had made tortellini soup before for herself in the past and she threw whatever she had on hand to make it a meal. So after she left, I decided to do the same. This soup has become a staple for me and I make it when I don't know what else to make. You can add whatever you want to it and it will always taste good. I haven't added meat yet but that's only because I haven't had any in my fridge when I've made the soup. I almost always add a lot of vegetables, almost like I'm making a vegetable soup. I add the tortellini towards the end, for however long it needs to cook. I'm not going to list a recipe since you can whatever you want but I'll list what I usually always add:

Carrots (usually the multicolored ones because it's always fun to add color to soups)
Zucchini or yellow squash if I have them in my fridge
Parm Rind
4-6 c chicken broth
Pkg of whatever size, shape or flavor of tortellini
Spinach leaves
Parmesan, to serve
Parsley, to serve


Oven Roasted Butternut Squash

I discovered this creamy yet sweet squash last fall and I don't know why I never tried it before! I think I've been scared to try the squashes in the past. I tried spaghetti squash once and I didn't like the texture. I finally tried this one in another dish and I loved the sweet taste of it so I decided to roast it in the oven. Butternut squash didn't affect my GERD, much like sweet potatoes, so I ate a lot of both of them during my time with it. I was constantly trying to find new recipes to use them in. Butternut squash roasted can be used in any way and it would be good!

Find the recipe here

Fresh from the oven...


Pastina Soup with Easy Homemade Meatballs

I made this soup almost a year ago, way back in August, when I was diagnosed with GERD, which is a severe form of acid reflux. I had to go on a bland diet, which was not a lot of fun, but the alternative was painful so I stuck to the bland diet as best I could. Not eating the foods I liked was hard, since I like eating foods with a lot of flavor. This soup was really bland, so I decided to add some flavor by baking meatballs. Luckily the meatballs had enough flavor to make eating the soup bearable. And the peas added enough taste as well. I didn't do a whole lot of cooking during my time that I had to eat my bland diet-not a whole lot of experimenting, mainly because what I tried didn't agree with me. Which is why I didn't post a whole lot. Luckily I can eat almost anything now, thankfully! The only thing I can't eat yet are tomatoes or anything tomato-based so no spaghetti sauces or ketchup or anything red-sauced but if that's the only thing I have to stay away from, then that's okay with me! And I also tend to stay away from a lot of citrus and high salty foods as well, just to be on the safe side. I have book-marked the recipes I did try, so I'll post those now. Bear with me while I post a bunch in a row!

Pastina Soup (4 servings) (Food Network):


1 tbsp EVOO
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped
2 shallots, minced
3 sprigs thyme
1 2-inch parm cheese rind
1 qt chicken stock (I used broth)
1 3/4 c star-shaped pastina (I could only find a small shaped pasta, which worked just as well)
1 c frozen peas
1/2 c grated parm
1 tsp grated lemon zest, optional

For the meatball recipe, click here

Cooked meatballs...

Soup simmering with the meatballs added...
